Arizer, Focus V, Pax, Puffco, Storz & Bickel, Discounted Items
*Offer does not apply to shipping or sales tax (if any)Straight tube bongs can still take on many different design elements - including curves, twists, flares and more - but in order to truly be a straight tube bong the very center of the mouthpiece should align closely with the very center of the base of the bong. Straight tube bongs are usually more scientific in design – meaning they are comprised mostly of thick clear glass. But there are heady glass artists making straight tubes still too, and we’ve got a sweet selection of both for you here at The Dab Lab.
One common option on a straight tube bong is that the joint for the bowl or slide often sits flat, or level with the base of the bong. You’ll also see more “direct inject” pieces that do not require a downstem to function. Because of the flattened angle of the joint and bowl or slide, this style of bong is not meant to be tilted back to be used. Instead, the best method is to stand or lean over the top and hit it while its base is parallel to the table or to the ground.
Of course, most of the bubble bottom bongs and beakers available in our store still utilize the downstem and angled bowl tech if that is more your taste. These straight tube bongs are available in many styles here in our store – some have the tube continue straight down from the mouthpiece and all the way to the base. Some feature beaker or bubble bottom designs. Whatever bong you want, we’ve got it for you. Users love this design for its simple form, awesome function, and for how easy it is to keep clean.
Mix and match with a custom heady glass bowl or slide and start the conversation at your next sesh!
If you have questions about this aspect of your purchase, or anything else, hit up our live chat on the right hand side of your screen or send us a message and we’ll make sure you get what you need right away.